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Demystifying Keyword Research: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


We all understand the power of search engines, like Google or Bing. They present us with results that are most relevant to the search terms we enter. For instance, if you search for "eggless brownie recipes," you won't be shown "egg fried rice recipes," even though both contain the words "recipe" and "egg."

When it comes to optimising your website for search engine optimisation (SEO), you need to create content that aligns with the keywords or phrases your customers are searching for. Otherwise, you're investing valuable time and effort into work that goes unseen.

Hits: 1697
The Science of Marketing - The Secret to Marketing That Works

When it comes down to it, if the customer doesn’t purchase your product or service, nothing else matters. You may have a great idea or offering, but if you can’t get customers to notice you and purchase, then you’re in trouble.

It’s important to remember that marketing is not just advertising, or selling, or persuading. It's about having the right combination of smart strategy, a thorough understanding of who is actually buying your product or service and a brand story that opens all the right doors. 

The secret to marketing that works is the science of what makes your customers buy and an actionable plan to reach your ideal customers with the right message, at the right place, and at the right time. 

Hits: 4376
The Founders Series: Community + Connection + Coffee = a Winning Business

The Networkers® NZ is a local business networking organisation that supports business owners and entrepreneurs with connections, advice, knowledge, and guidance so they can successfully navigate the highs and lows of their business journey.

It’s the perfect business for Founder and CEO, Maria Gold, who has always been passionate about community, connection, and coffee.

"Many years ago I was discussing the ideal job with some friends over a coffee, of course, and I made the comment my ideal job needs to involve coffee and chatting with friends on a regular basis."

Hits: 1100
SailGP Inspire Careers for Students and Young Professionals

Are you over the age of 18 and interested in a career in SailGP? Now you can join the SailGP team in Christchurch from 13 – 19 March 2023

Inspire Careers offers a work experience opportunity to students and young professionals within a SailGP event environment. From media and communications, photography and video, boat building, and hydraulics to ropes and rigging, on water communications, race management and sustainability, you’ll be introduced to a variety of roles.

Hits: 869
Call for volunteers for New Zealand SailGP - Christchurch 18 – 19 March 2023

A unique opportunity to be a part of the team delivering one of the biggest sporting events to happen in Christchurch! Open to all ages and experience with lots of roles available.

SailGP has several volunteer roles available to enable you to be part of the action, learn how large events run from a unique behind the scenes perspective and help them deliver a successful sporting event.

You’ll get training, a SailGP branded volunteer T Shirt, meal voucher, transport from the CBD over to the event and more.

Hits: 894

A Fresh Approach to Marketing