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10 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Award Win
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CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve won a business award; the ultimate recognition of your hard work and dedication. Amongst the celebrations and high-fives, now is the time to let the rest of the world know too.
Let your customers share in your moment of glory. After all, they are partly responsible for your success, as without them you wouldn’t be in business for long!
So where do you start and how far should you go in spreading the news?
Here are our top ten ways to publicise your award:
1. Use your social media accounts
Update your Facebook page cover photo and LinkedIn, Twitter, and website banners to include Winner of/voted best (insert your award title here). Create an engaging post to let your followers know about your incredible achievement. Check out this example
2. Wear your badge with pride
Ask the organisers of the award if they have a logo or awards “badge” you can use in your artwork. If they don’t, then create one that simply states the award you have been given (and looks professional). Canva is a tool loaded with enough easy-to-use features and functionality that anyone can use to create a variety of professional-looking designs.
3. Tell your connections
Let your connections on LinkedIn know by adding it to your accomplishments and awards section. Create a LinkedIn article or post on your company page and share it (don’t forget to acknowledge your team in your article). Ask your team to share it too.
4. Consider making a vlog (short video blog)
Instead of an article, you might want to personalise your announcement even further by creating a vlog which talks about your story; what the award means, why it is important, and thank the people who helped you win it.
You do not need a fancy camera to do this. Most good cell phones can produce quality videos. We can help you script and edit it if you have not done this before. Trust us, it can be a fun thing to do! Share the link on all your social media accounts and in your company newsletter.
5. Tell Google
Update your Google My Business profile to include information about the award and/or post the vlog you made here too.
6. Don't forget the people who aren't on social media
Include details of your recognition in your next eNewsletter to subscribers. If you have a news/blog section on your website, write a short blog, and include any photos that were taken of you receiving your award. Add this link to your newsletter as it will help drive traffic to your website.
7. Advertise
Make the most of your achievement by using different social media channels to advertise! If you are on Facebook, create an ad that will let people who don’t know you, know that others think you are awesome e.g. “Wanting to grow your business? Get expert direction and advice from NZ’s Business Growth Consultant of the Year.” Make sure your post includes a call to action. Consider boosting that vlog you made on Facebook too.
If you are on LinkedIn and your market is business to business (B2B), utilise LinkedIn advertising to promote your article/vlog. This is a good way to reach a new audience of professionals and decision-makers
A Google Adword campaign is worth considering too, if you have the budget, as it can be more expensive than other methods of web advertising, depending on the popularity of your industry keywords and phrases.
8. Create a promotion around your win to draw in new customers
Reward customers for helping you gain this achievement through a paid social media promotion. If you have a presence on Facebook then create a promotion based on it, as you can reach a wide audience for a small cost. Consider a giveaway to someone who likes or comments on your post.
The prize doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that will appeal to your target audience and will remind them of you in a good way when they use it. Make sure you include a nice-looking picture of your prize. If you are not on Facebook, then consider a promotion through your other media channels that will achieve a similar result.
9. Don't forget traditional media
There is still a place for a good old fashioned press release. We can help you craft a public relations (PR) article that can be placed in newspapers/magazines that fit your market.
10. Be humble
No matter which way you decide to promote and let the world know of your award, always be humble. There is a fine line between celebrating success and bragging about it in an arrogant way. Always be thankful to your team and/or the people involved in the process and CELEBRATE!
Remember, you won this award and received this recognition because you are good at what you do. There is no reason in the world why you should not let everybody else know how good you are too.
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