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6 ways to delight and retain your customers

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Keeping your existing customers happy so they buy from you again and again is a key strategy for increasing profitable sales in any business. In fact, an existing customer is likely to spend on average 60% more* than a new customer. That’s a stat that’s hard to ignore!

Your customers have choice; they can choose to stay with you or buy from somewhere else. That means your goal is to be the best option for your customers. It sounds obvious but if you are the best option, your customers won’t want to buy from someone else. 

You can be the best option by putting some easy strategies in place to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. Here’s how with our top 6 tips:

1. Understand what your customers like – Find out what your customers really like and value. Then position your business around the things that matter most to your customers so they see you as the most attractive option. Do a little in-house research - speak to your customers - some of the things they value might surprise you.

2. Offer additional products and services – Do your customers know about everything you offer and all the ways you can help them? If you haven’t told them, then how would they know? Remind your customers about the products and services they already use and tell them about the ones they don’t. 

A few ways to do this is face to face and through emails, newsletters, customer education seminars, promotional offers and social media. Don’t let your customers buy from somewhere else just because they didn’t know they could have bought that product or service from you!

3. Surprise and delight – Think of ways to surprise, delight and thank your customers for doing business with you. It could be as simple as sending a card on their birthday or dropping off a book on a topic that really interests them. Think outside the box, do the unexpected and be remembered.

4. Consider loyalty programmes - Reward loyalty with something your customers want. For example, movie club members at the Colombo Deluxe Cinema in Christchurch get first access to premier screenings and special events as well as their 8th film free.

5. Keep it simple – Simple loyalty programmes work far better than complex schemes with bigger rewards. For example, loyal customers of Australian retailer Shoes Feet Gear get a pair of free socks every time they try on new shoes (they don’t even have to buy!). A simple and effective way to add value and reward customers for choosing them!

6. Be creative with partnerships or prizes – Give your customers added spice and variety through partnerships or the occasional prize. For example, Christchurch Fashion Stylist ‘A little thing called fashion’ recently offered her Facebook fans access to a one-off sample range of exclusive designer handbags at special prices. This great partnership connected directly with her brand and increased customer loyalty and value.

By delighting your customers and rewarding them in ways that they truly value, your customers will choose to buy from you again and again.

That’s worth a little effort we think.


Discover how we can help you delight and retain your customers so they buy from you again and again. Contact us today.

*Manta's and BIA/Kelsey's joint report "Achieving Big Customer Loyalty in a Small Business World"


Lee Retimana is the Chief Marketer and Brand Strategist at Muritai Group. With 25 plus years in sales and marketing across a diverse range of industries including IT, manufacturing, health and business services, Lee saw a huge gap in the market for providing small business owners with strong and actionable marketing advice. With a focus on fresh thinking; Lee challenges her team at Muritai Group to use their experience and expertise to challenge ineffective marketing with creative ideas, strategic thinking, and common sense to deliver marketing that works. Lee says "We are experts at finding customers and keeping them. We know how to craft the right messages to get you noticed, make you relevant, interesting and ultimately loved! Our whole business approach links every single marketing tactic to your business objectives and is how we develop a marketing strategy that works – so your business can thrive". Give Lee a call (021 321 747) or email (lee@muritai.com) to see where her fresh approach can take your business.


A Fresh Approach to Marketing