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Part 2 - Your Cheat Sheet of 30 Killer Content Marketing Ideas.
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Welcome back! I know you are eager to read the last 15 killer content marketing ideas, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer!
Let’s continue, shall we?
Read Part 1 of our 30 Killer content marketing ideas (1-15)
16. Feature your customers
Featuring your customers is a great way to create a direct connection with current and potential customers. It also shows how much you care about your community. Whether it is their story, an interview, a case study, or a guest post, give your customers the opportunity to be in your business’s spotlight.
17. Fashion trends
If you are in an industry that is affected by fashion and trends, then be sure to use them to your advantage. For example, Pantone’s 2020 colour of the year is Classic Blue. How is it being used in decor, fashion, interior design etc.? Trend watching is another website that regularly provides updates on the latest and predicted trends across different industries.
18. Jargon busters
Every industry use jargon and it can get super technical sometimes. Just because your customers want to purchase your product or service does not necessarily mean they understand all the jargon. Helping your customers to learn the lingo will be appreciated.
19. Opinions
It is difficult to establish thought leadership when you don’t have anything original to say. By keeping neutral, not sharing an opinion, and only repeating or rephrasing what others have already said or created, could have a negative impact on people's perceptions of you. Your credibility as a thought leader or industry expert could also be negatively affected and at the end of the day, it could make you look like a follower rather than a leader. Post an opinion piece on industry-related trending topics to establish yourself as a thought leader or industry expert.
20. Be a ‘People Person’
People do business with people so your customers will be interested in getting to know your team. Put their profiles on your website, interview them for blogs, and profile them on social media (with their permission of course).
21. Polls
A poll is a great way to start a debate and engage people. Start with a subject that is a polarising opinion and relevant to your industry. This is different from no 19 because a poll doesn’t require your opinion on the topic at hand.
22. Mistakes
It’s often said that we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Can you help your customers by listing some of the classic mistakes made in your industry, with tips on how to avoid them?
23. News
An easy topic to comment on, share and respond to. Track news outlets and news’ aggregation sites such as Reddit; or use Google Alerts to monitor the internet for news stories about your industry, products and services.
24. Politics
Is there anything happening in politics that could affect (positively or negatively) your industry and/or your customers. Talk about the impact, ask people for their opinion, provide tips or a guide.
Note - you do not have to declare your political leanings, just how Government decisions may affect your business or industry and beware of trolls if using social media. You may have to moderate to keep personality politics out of the discussion.
25. Your Community
How does your company fit into the community? Do you sponsor community events, donate to local schools, take part in community clean-ups and planting days? Talk about how your business is connected to the area where it is based.
26. Seasons
Use seasonal metaphors to connect to your products and services e.g. spring gardening preparation, get in shape for summer, how to save on power bills this winter, etc.
27. Sports
Lots of people love sport and you can connect with your ideal clients by commenting on or talking about sporting events.
Note - make sure you understand the trademark and promotional restrictions around major sporting events (e.g. Olympics, Rugby World Cup, FIFA World Cup, etc.) so you don’t unintentionally end up with an infringement or cease and desist notice taken against you.
28. Technology
Is your company affected by technology? Can you confidently talk about the latest advancements in your field? Do you have a new gadget that is making life easier for you? Or has technology negatively affected your business?
29. Acknowledgement
It is so important to say thank you, but we often forget to do this in our day to day busy-ness. Thank your customers, team, suppliers, and supporters. Perhaps thank and profile a team member and/or a valued customer once a month.
30. Last but not least - The weather
Still, stuck for something to write about? Then look no further than out of the window. The number one conversation starter between people is the weather. We are all at its mercy, especially if there has been an adverse event. Talk about how your business, products and/or services help people affected by snow, rain, wind, sun or the elements in general.
At Muritai Group, we love creating content that resonates with your ideal clients. We have a broad depth of industry knowledge and can write with authority on most business topics. We can write new content or re-write your existing copy for you. Visit Muritai for more info.
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