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5 Simple tips for brilliant writing your customers will actually read

In our previous blog “Your cheat sheet of 30 killer content marketing ideas”, we have focused on how to start a conversation with your customers and provided you with suggested topics to keep them interested in what you have to say.

Which is great, but none of that matters if your writing skills are so poor that the reader can’t make sense of what you have written and stops reading straight after the first couple of sentences. 

Here are our top tips to improve your writing and ensure that your readers come back for more.

Hits: 1882
Part 2 - Your Cheat Sheet of 30 Killer Content Marketing Ideas.

Welcome back! I know you are eager to read the last 15 killer content marketing ideas, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer! 

Let’s continue, shall we?

Hits: 1789
Your Cheat Sheet of 30 Killer Content Marketing Ideas.

Content either make or break your marketing. Great content can help you earn the right to your audience’s time while average content will be dismissed and ignored. Good content connects directly with your ideal customers’ wants and needs and provides them with reasons to believe in your business.

If you’ve struggled with writers' block and can’t think of any good content ideas to write about, then stress no more!

In this two-part series blog, I’ll share 30 killer content marketing ideas with you; 15 ideas first and then the rest in part 2.

Ready? Let’s dive in! cool

Hits: 2478
10 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Award Win

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve won a business award; the ultimate recognition of your hard work and dedication. Amongst the celebrations and high-fives, now is the time to let the rest of the world know too.

Let your customers share in your moment of glory. After all, they are partly responsible for your success, as without them you wouldn’t be in business for long!

So where do you start and how far should you go in spreading the news?

Here are our top ten ways to publicise your award:

Hits: 6567
The 10 Most Common Mistakes Small Business Make on Social Media

“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.”– Erik Qualman author

Why should you care about social media? Because a whopping 78% of consumers say that companies’ social media posts impact what they buy (source).

In New Zealand, 3.5 million people are active social media users who spend 1 hour and 53 minutes using social every day. Social media is here to stay and if you are not using the platforms effectively, you could be doing your business more harm than good.

At Muritai Group, we are all about making sure your message is seen by the right people at the right time, keeping it on point and interesting. I recently gave a presentation at a local networking meeting on the mistakes that businesses often make with their social media marketing. The following is a distillation of my top tips for communicating online.

Hits: 2425

A Fresh Approach to Marketing